Research shows that students do better at school when parents take an active role in their children’s education, and parental involvement is an important part of the educational philosophy at Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences. Each CSAS family is required to contribute at least 18 hours of parental involvement and to attend two student-led parent/teacher conferences each year.

There are a variety of ways for parents to be involved at CSAS and meet the mandatory participation hours set forth in the Admissions Contract. The family involvement office communicates with regular e-mails and posts opportunities for volunteering on the bulletin board in Room 218.

CSAS parents are encouraged to complete a minimum of nine hours by the end of the first semester and 95 percent of their hours before March 1. Volunteer hours cannot be recorded without a Record of Volunteer Hours form completed and signed by the faculty member for whom parents volunteer.

The following are some of the approved parent volunteer opportunities for CSAS parents:

  • Chaperoning field trips (a limit of nine hours per family per school year)
  • Attending parent classes
  • Bringing refreshments for events (a maximum of two hours per family per school year)
  • Serving on the PTSA board of directors and working at PTSA events
  • Working at CSAS athletic events, arts performances and other special activities
  • Completing requested tasks in the teacher workroom
  • Acting as a monitor in hallways, the cafeteria or the car line
  • Working to improve the school buildings and grounds
  • Monthly Saturday parent work days
  • Completing assigned tasks at home with specific instructions from CSAS faculty or staff

For more information, please contact CSAS Parent Involvement Coordinator Jennifer White.